Department of Strategic Communication

  • Preparation of official notifications, statements and informational material concerning activities of the Ministry; notification of the mass media;
  • Informing the society about events and decisions made by the Ministry;
  • Spreading press reviews about activities of the Ministry;
  • Holding briefings and press conferences at the Ministry;
  • Photo and video galleries of the Ministry;
  • Updating information on the web-page of the Ministry;
  • Acquisition of all the necessary information from the structural units, divisions and agencies and state controlled legal entities;
  • Working out short and long-term strategies of PR;
  • Monitoring material covered by the media concerning activates of the Ministry; Participation in the creation of ads, newspaper articles, and videos about activities of the Ministry;
  • Organizing and planning of interviews, briefings, and public meetings within the competence of the department.




Contact Information:

Tamta Gergedava 
Head of  Department  

Tel: +(995 32) 299 11 21 


Giorgi Kalandadze 
Deputy Head of  Department

Tel: +(995 32) 299 11 26


David Gongadze
Deputy Head of  Department  

E-mail: E-mail:
Tel: +(995 32) 299 10 61

