The Law of Georgia on Electronic Communications – The law establishes legal and economic basis for activities concerning electronic communications networks and means on the territory of Georgia, defines formation of competitive environment and regulation principles, rights and obligations of natural and legal person in the frames of possession of electronic communications network and means, as well as while using them and providing service.
The Law of Georgia on Broadcasting – In accordance with the principles of speech and expression freedom and free entrepreneurship the law establishes the terms and conditions of Broadcasting, creating independent regulatory authority and its’ functions, regulating the field and defines licensing rules and procedures.
The Law of Georgia on Innovations – The aim of the law is to create and upgrade national innovations’ ecosystem important for socio-economic development of Georgia, construct knowledge- and innovations-based economy, promote using of technologies invented/created in other countries, promote introduction of intellectual property and technologies created/invented in Georgia and support their export, penetrate in all fields of advanced technologies, science and economy to raise competitiveness of these fields.
The Law of Georgia on Electronic Signature and Electronic Document – the law defines electronic document management system and the legal basis for the use of electronic signatures.
The Law of Georgia on Information technology zones - the law aims to attract investment and create an attractive environment for persons who carry out economic activities in the field of technology.
The Law of Georgia on Information Security - the law aims to promote information security protection effective and efficient implementation, and to establish a public-private sector rights and obligations in the field of information security, as well as to define information security policy for the implementation of the control mechanisms.
The Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection - the law aims to protect human rights and freedoms, including private life while processing the personal data.
The Law of Georgia on Regulatory Authorities - the law aims to create stable legal framework and perfect institutional environment for sustainable functioning of the national regulatory authorities in Georgia, to ensure balancing the interests of license holders and consumers in different fields of economy, as well as efficient pricing and supply of services and products.
The Law of Georgia on Regulatory Fee - this law aims at ensuring financial independence and implementation of regulatory function by the national regulatory authorities and the Legal Entities of Public Law regulating use of natural resources, oil and gas refining and/or transportation.
The Law of Georgia on Copyright and Related Rights - the law regulates relations concerning copyrights, related rights and rights of database creator.
The Law of Georgia on Advertising – the law aims to develop fair competition in the field of advertising, protect the right of public, advertisers and consumers, avoid and prevent improper advertising.
The Law of Georgia on Administrative Offenses – Georgian legislation on administrative offences aimes at protection of property, citizens' socio-economic, political and personal rights and freedoms, as well as rights and legitimate interests of enterprises, institutions, organizations; ensures protection of government established rule, state and public order, prevention of crime.
The acts of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Universal Postal Union (UPU) ratified by the Parliament of Georgia:
I. Legal acts of the ITU are the Constitution, Convention, International Telecommunications Regulations and Radio Regulations.
a) ITU Constitution and Convention – defines ITU objectives, composition, rights and obligations of member states, structure, principles of election, activities of Secretary General and relevant structural units, rules of organizing various events, ITU-membership fee structure, etc.
b) International Telecommunications Regulations – defines general principles of international telecommunications services provision, as well as basic means, which are used for International Telecommunications Union services provision.
c) Radio Regulations - define the principles, such as the radio frequency spectrum harmonized distribution, position of satellites in geostationary orbit of the member countries and radio frequencies allocation principles, coordinating the operation of the radio transmitting stations, etc.
II. Legal Acts of the UPU are the Constitution, General Regulations, Convention, Postal Payment Services Agreement, Letter Post Regulations, Parcel Post Regulations.
a) Constitution and General Regulations – Constitution is the fundamental Act of the UPU and refers main provisions of functioning of the Union. General Regulations refer provisions securing the application of the Constitution and the functioning of the Union.
b) Convention – refers general regulations of acceptance, sorting, sending and delivering of the international postal items, freedom of transit, tariffs, postage stamps, postal security, prohibited items, etc.
c) Postal Payment Services Agreement – aims at introduction of the reliable, affordable and convenient system through Designated Operators’ interoperable networks.
d) Letter Post Regulations – defines types of international letter post, its processing, sending and delivery rules;
e) Parcel Post Regulations - defines types of international parcel post, its processing, sending and delivery rules;
Decree of the President on the Regional Agreement adopted by the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) Regional Radiocommunication Conference (15.05-16.06.2006, Geneve) “Planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz”
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia on the elaboration and approval procedure of technical regulations for issuing digital signature certificate and a digital signature – the resolution defines the technical regulations elaboration and approval rule, for persons interested in issuing digital signature certificate.
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia on approval of state program for broadband infrastructure development in Georgia - The program aims at developing broadband infrastructure and promoting accessibility to such infrastructure throughout the country.
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia on Approval of the Statute of Electronic Communications Network national numbering system of Georgia - The statute aims at forming harmonized and effective/efficient numbering resources system and defining transparent and non-discriminating terms of using national numbering system. The statute establishes homogeneous structure and format of numbering resources; general terms and conditions of resource allocation, separation and granting, as well using the resources by authorized entities and users; herewith rules on managing and using the numbering resources.
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia on defining of the electronic communication networks linear facilities protection and their protection zones – the resolution determines communication networks linear facilities protection and their protection zones in Georgia, and conditions of work proceeding. Regulation aims at protection of electronic communication network linear facilities from damage by other organizations and/or natural persons, promotion of uninterrupted functioning of electronic communications networks.
The Resolution of the Government of Georgia on transferring from analogue terrestrial broadcasting to digital terrestrial broadcasting action plan and the recommendations – Transfer from analogue terrestrial broadcasting to digital terrestrial broadcasting has been high importance and large-scale reform in Georgia, which was implemented by the government's specified action plan and recommendations.
The Resolution of Georgian National Communications Commission on Approval of Regalement on provision of service and protection of rights in the field of electronic communications – the regalement defines the rules and conditions for providing electronic communications service, including local communications networks and means, intercity and international telephone, mobile telephone and internet; defines rights and obligations of service provider and consumer.
The Resolution of Georgian National Communications Commission on Approval of the Statute of Georgian National Communications Commission – the resolution defines legal status, goals, functions and action rules of Georgian National Communications Commission; competence of the authorized representative, structure of the commission, budget of the commission and rules and conditions for liquidation of the commission.
The Resolution of Georgian National Communications Commission on Approval of the rules of issuing, using of numbering resource and rules of remuneration – the resolution aims at defining of the rules of issuing, using and remuneration in order to obtain the right of using numbering resource.
The Resolution of Georgian National Communications Commission on Approval of the Statute on organizing auction for obtaining the right to use radio frequency spectrum and/or numbering resource – the resolution defines the powers and obligations of the Commission while organizing the auction for the license of using national radio frequency spectrum; procedure of auction, including revealing the winner; rule for issuing the license; defines rules of fee definition, as well as quantitative, qualitative and time frame standards and rules for using national resources.
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