Dimitry Kumsishvili states, that the share of mines in export is 35%, while the sector provides jobs for 25 000 people

First Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili introduced implemented and scheduled reforms aiming at improvement of business and investment environments in the mining sector at the working meeting with the representatives of the licensed operators in the mining sector.

The First Vice Prime Minister Dimitry Kumsishvili introduces the new Chair of the LEPL National Agency of Mines, Maia Zavrashvili to the meeting participants.

The First Vice Prime Minister highlighted that regulations related to the mining sector is among the priorities of the Georgian Government. Dimitry Kumsishvili noted the significance of the trend in term of the usage of the mining resources in Georgia. In particular, the number of requests on issuing of licenses in the mining sector is doubled compared to 2014 and the demand on construction row materials is especially increased. 

Dimitri Kumsishvili announced the launching of the large-scale reform in the mining sector, which will be implemented, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In 2018, the policy and strategy document of international standards will be developed, which will serve as a basis for the preparation of the new legislative package.

The First Vice Prime Minister stated that over 25 000 people are employed in the sector. Most of the products produced in the field of mining is exported (share of mining resources in the export equals to 35%).

New agency created within the structural reform of the Government – the LEPL National Agency of Mines was also discussed at the meeting. The main functions of the Agency will include provision of permanently updated geologic information and its accessibility, preparation of geologic information for the licensing facility, management of the State balance in mines, licensing and  monitoring of issued licenses. 

The First Vice Prime Minister addressed the question of the representatives of the licensed companies at the end of the meeting.